Luggage Tags

Make it easy to identify your luggage amongst the hundreds of nearly identical black and navy suitcases and bags on the luggage carousel. Help keep your group’s luggage together by adding distinctive luggage tags created just for you.

And it’s not just small tags either – choose from either of our two standard sizes (54mm x 86mm or 80mm x 110mm) or from our larger range of optional sizes to make sure that your luggage is easy to recognise. The luggage tags have a writable panel one side for individual details and have the option of a double tag setup to obscure the details. Printed in full four colour on both sides, they’ll stand out on the baggage carousel.

Crafted to the same level of robustness and quality as the rest of our products, our luggage tags will survive baggage handlers, road crew, porters, and taxi drivers. Available with the option of a brass or silver eyelet for extra strength. We can also supply the loops needed to secure them to the bags.